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Aaranyak’s Conservation Efforts Contribute towards the SDGs
Initiative & Efforts Of Aaranyak Contribute To the SDGs

- We work with marginal and small farmers, and encourage cultivation of both traditional crops, and alternate crops to prevent crop-foraging by wild animals.
- We promote Natural Resource Management based livelihood opportunities to provide sustainable income for households
- We provide with livelihood support to the economically backward as well as marginalized communities from the fringe areas.

- Focuses on self-reliance and food security.
- Promotes Sustainable Agriculture and Homestead Agroforestry.
- Improves nutrition by growing vegetables and fruits for self-consumption and sale.

- Works with schools, teachers and students to improve formal education.
- Works with communities to impart non-formal education.
- Promotes experimental and experiential learning among students and communities.
- Promotes education and skills to attain sustainable development.

- Focuses equally on man and woman.
- Stress on women’s empowerment.
- Stress on women’s participation in decision making.
- Promote women’s rights over land, products and natural resources.
- Promote sustainable income by women.

- Promotes access to renewable energy.
- Promotes energy efficiency at all levels.
- Use of green energy to mitigate human wildlife conflict.

- Focus on per capita economic growth.
- Promote decent job creation for men, women and youth through farm and non-farm based micro entrepreneurship.
- Focuses on sustainable tourism that creates jobs and promotes local culture and products.
- Provides access to financial institutions and services.

- Focuses on tiny natural resource-based industries that are clean and safe for the environment.
- Facilitate affordable credit and integrate value chains.
- Provide local products access to markets.

- Promote equal wage for man and women.
- Promotion of social inclusion – priority to women, marginal & small farmers.
- Promotion of financial literacy among women, marginal & small farmers.
- Promotion of life skills.
- Promotion of alternative livelihood and entrepreneurial skills.
- Facilitate access to financial institutions.

- Focuses on sustainable and natural production from agriculture and forests.
- Promotes sustainable management and efficient use of natural resources.
- Focuses on eco-friendly production, packaging and marketing.
- Reduce waste generation through prevention, reduction, recycling and reuse at all levels.
- Focuses on public awareness for sustainable development and lifestyles in harmony with nature.
- Monitors impacts of actions through appropriate indicators and their periodic evaluations.
- Promote use of solar energy and manual processing for products.

- Focuses on climate change mitigation, adaptation and impact reduction through information, knowledge and skills.
- Strategic actions for climate resilience development through eco-restoration, adaptive and eco-friendly food production and natural homestead farming.
- Promotes climate smart Agriculture and Agroforestry.

- Focuses on protection and restoration of the river ecosystem.
- Promotes structural and functional aquatic biodiversity.

- Focuses on conservation, restoration and sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems and their services.
- Promotes sustainable management of forests, ecosystem restoration
- Actions designed to reduce loss of biodiversity, degradation of natural habitats and their connectivity and loss of population of threatened species.
- Promotes action to reduce poaching and hunting though sustainable livelihood opportunities.
- Sustainable harvesting of NTFP and its value addition
- Promote fair and equitable sharing of benefits from ecosystem services.

- Focus on effective, accountable and transparent village institutions that are responsive, inclusive, participatory and representative decision-making.
- Promote non-discriminatory laws and policies for sustainable development.

- Focuses on Community Participation and stakeholders’ engagement at all levels.
- Promotes partnership among knowledge centers and individuals.
- Promotes partnership with government agencies.